

Greetings, my name is Himanshu Goyal. I am currently pursuing a Master's degree in Computer Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Prior to this, I completed a Dual Degree (B.S./M.S.) at the Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar in the School of Electrical Sciences, with a major in Computer Science and Engineering. My research, under the guidance of Prof. Sudipta Saha, was primarily focused on the practical and scalability aspects of Byzantine consensus in low power wireless systems. Additionally, I worked on the security and privacy aspects of large scale decentralised systems, with a particular emphasis on the development of privacy-preserving solutions for efficient distributive computation. I am also an active member of the Decentralized and Smart Systems Research Group (DSSRG) at IIT Bhubaneswar.

I have had the privilege of gaining diverse experience through internships in both industry and academia. Most recently, I held the position of Cryptographic Research Engineer Intern at Galois Inc. During the Fall of 2022, I collaborated with Prof. Paul Pearce and Prof. Saman Zonouz to enhance our understanding of Industrial Control Systems (ICS) through the empirical application of internet scanning techniques. In 2021, I had the opportunity to work with Arpita Patra at the Cryptography and Information Security lab at IISc Bangalore. In the Summer of 2020, I interned with the Embedded Systems and Robotics group at TCS Research & Innovation, where I worked with Chayan Sarkar on the development of a customized language model for cognitive robotics applications. In the Summer of 2019, I focused on workload characterization in Multi-tier Cloud Infrastructure at CNeRG - Complex Networks Research Lab, IIT Kharagpur, under the mentorship of Sandip Chakraborty.

During my leisure time, I frequently engage with platforms such as Reddit and Twitter to stay abreast of the latest developments in my field of technical interest. I strongly advocate for following established experts in your respective fields to gain rapid insights into emerging trends. I have a penchant for gathering resources that could be beneficial for budding students, which can be found under the Crypto Resources and Miscellaneous sections. These resources encompass a wide range of levels, from basic to advanced. Additionally, I maintain a blog which is updated intermittently.

During my undergraduate years, I actively participated in various social and academic activities that enriched my university experience. I was a proud member of the E-Summit, where I not only participated but also organised numerous events promoting entrepreneurship. My involvement in these events allowed me to interact with a diverse group of individuals, fostering my interpersonal skills and expanding my network.

In addition, I was a part of The Fourth Wall, the Dramatics Society of IIT Bhubaneswar. Here, I had the opportunity to express my creativity and passion for performance through various open and stage acts. This experience not only honed my artistic skills but also enhanced my ability to work in a team and under pressure.

These experiences have significantly contributed to my personal and professional growth, and I continue to cherish these memories. I believe that my active participation in these social activities demonstrates my ability to balance work and leisure, and my capacity to thrive in social settings.

I love being called with move47.

Curriculum Vitae

Updated May, 2018.
Contact me with any questions.


