ZoneSync: Real-Time Identification of Zones in IoT-Edge.

ZoneSync: Real-Time Identification of Zones in IoT-Edge.

Manish Kaushik, Jagnyashini Debadarshini, Himanshu Goyal , Sudipta Saha.
In Proceedings of the IEEE 15th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS), 2023, Bengaluru, India.

Abstract: With the advancement in hardware technology, IoT-edge systems are getting well-equipped with a variety of types of sensing devices. The massive decentralized sensing capability of IoT-edge can be used not only for monitoring purposes but also for automated detection and even prediction of anomalous behavior in the area covered by the IoT-edge. However, as a prerequisite to anomaly detection, what is very essential is a clear understanding of the usual nature of the region where the IoT -edge system is deployed. The existing solutions in this direction mostly take the help of the cloud to serve the purpose. We endeavor to carry out the task of understanding the characteristics of the zones/regions in the edge itself through in-network distributed computing. In this work, we derive a simple lightweight strategy based on Synchronous-Transmission to enable every node in an IoT-edge to gain knowledge about the zone it belongs to and identify its surrounding zones in real-time. Through extensive simulation and testbed-based study, we show that our proposed solution can accomplish the goals quite accurately and up to 12.5 times faster than the traditional strategy.

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